(11-18 years)

Embassy (11 – 18 years)
Embassy youth meets downstairs during our main service on Sundays (10:30-12). Together we discuss how to walk out Kingdom principle at school, home, and in the every day. Alongside Sundays, we host a weekly Friday social (7-8:30) where we play games, have snacks, and create a space for building relationships.
Embassy (11 – 18 years)
Older Youth (14-18 years)
Older Youth is beginning to meet a few times a term to meet the growing number of older teens in the congregation, with a focus on mentoring, hanging out and doing things at a slower pace than at Embassy!
Older Youth (14-18 years)
Dream The Impossible (DTI)
Embassy is also connected both to a wider network of youth events that happen in Farnham and a national youth event called DTI (Dreaming the Impossible). This is an annual, summer camp run by Vineyard UK and is always a highlight of the year for our young people. There are also more local events called DTI Road Trip, which are packed days of worship, fun, engaging speakers and ministry opportunities.
Dream The Impossible (DTI)

This is Susy

Have any questions?

Whether you are exploring faith or new to Farnham, I’d love to help answer any questions you have.

Come along on Sundays or drop me an email.