We give to the one who gave and continues to give everything to us
Giving to the church is our primary way of supporting Gods work in our communities, both locally and beyond.

How is the church financed?
Farnham Vineyard is entirely financed through the generous and regular giving of the congregation. Every Vineyard church is financially autonomous and survives and thrives independently of the UK association.
The principles of giving
Committing to giving a proportion of our personal income regularly to the church is an important part of following Jesus. In Old Testament times, God’s people always gave the first tenth of their income (known as a tithe) for the Lord’s work (Leviticus 27:30) and when Jesus came, he affirmed this practice (Matt 23:23). So, as a guideline we take 10% of our income as a starting point and aim to give even more as we are able to do so.
1 Corinthians 16:1-4 give us some helpful instruction:
Give regularly—choose a set time/interval for your giving, weekly or monthly
Give individually—everyone is invited to share in the joy and blessing of giving
Give proportionally—a tenth of your income is a good target, but do not do so reluctantly or under compulsion. Give less if necessary and more if possible—but do it cheerfully!
Give locally—our primary commitment is to our own church (Malachi 3:10)
How to give
Standing Order: Giving by standing order enables you to give regularly and is a great help to the church when it comes to budgeting for the future. You can get a standing order form from the church office or set up your own standing order using online banking. Our account details are—Sort code 30-93-20, Account number 02204855, Farnham Vineyard Trust Ltd
We can supply a set of numbered envelopes for use with regular cash gifts.
Cheque: Cheques should be made out to Farnham Vineyard Trust Ltd
Website: by clicking the Charity Checkout button at the top of this page and following the instructions
Gift Aid
The church is a registered charity funded almost entirely by gifts and offerings. If you pay UK income tax, Capital Gains tax or tax on savings (including pensions), Farnham Vineyard can claim back 25p in every £1.00 given. All you need to do is ask the Vineyard office for a Gift Aid Form.