
youthWhat is a parenting course? It's a chance to get together with other people that are walking a similar journey to yourself.  We watch some very short DVD sections and then discuss our thoughts with other people, all learning together.  You won't be told what to do or how to parent, it's very thought provoking and gives you plenty to chew on in a light hearted and down to earth way.Who can come? Whilst the material is primarily aimed at parents of children aged 0 - 10, it's been a great help to all ages.  You might not even have children yet, that's fine, it's all good stuff that will help you later on down the line.When is the next one? We are starting the next parenting course on the 8th May.  It is four weeks, finishing on the 29th May.  We start at 7.45 and promise to finish at 9.30pm.  Please call or email the office to book your place.Some quotes from previous guests... "We had a great time, funny, helpful and tearjerking all at the same time.  We would definitely recommend it."careforthefamily"What a great course, thank you.  Lots to think about, great to meet other people and realise you aren't the only one going through these issues." The DVD we use is produced by Care for the family.