
Pray Without Ceasing

At Farnham Vineyard we believe in the power of prayer; for people, situations and our town.  As Christians we believe we get to partner with God in what He’s already doing, and this often starts in a place of prayer.  Here are a number of ways we meet together to pray.

Workplace Prayer
Your work matters to God. It matters because God gets his work done through you. It does not matter what your role is or who you work for, God has put you in that workplace for a reason!

Yet many of us can struggle with being a Christian in a modern day workplace. Workplace Prayer is a place for anyone who would welcome prayer, encouragement or fellowship for their spiritual welfare within their workplace.

We meet once a month at Sophie and Nic’s house, to have sometime in prayer and raise whatever maybe on our hearts to do with our workplace to God. So whether you are struggling with a colleague, hoping to find new work or simply want to thank God for his provision of work, workplace prayer would love to pray with you.
To find out more, email
Workplace Prayer
Virtual Prayer Meeting
Over this last year, we have come to really appreciate the opportunity to gather together virtually to pray. If you would like to join us on Friday mornings at 6:30, you’d be very welcome. To join, go and enter the meeting ID and password found below. You don’t need to be a member of zoom to participate. If you’re not an early bird, but would like to join the praying community of FV, drop Esther an email at to connect. We have a Whatsapp group you can join.

Meeting ID: 875 0835 2322
Passcode: 995495
Virtual Prayer Meeting
Wednesday Prayer Meeting
A daytime prayer meeting held at The Vineyard Centre and led by David Burnham and Jim Burroughs. Meeting every week from 2.30 - 4pm.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting

This is Sarah Jane

Have any questions?

Whether you are exploring faith or new to Farnham, I’d love to help answer any questions you have.

Come along on Sundays or drop me an email.