Reaching Out

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Many of you have asked about ways you can give financially, to those in need, at this time.  We currently have two key areas we would like to support as a church, one close to home and one further afield.


We have learnt through our friends at Elam, about the crisis hitting Persian refugee families in Turkey. 'The current situation now, is that the lockdown has been in place for a couple of weeks and many families have no money left.  You may know, Persian refugee families in Turkey, typically work long hours for less than minimum wage.  They have been unable to work for a couple of weeks and now they are starting to go hungry'.Elam's team leader for Turkey, has a dream to help and it is something we can partner with.The DreamTo provide 2,500 families with a care package, providing food for 10 days.  One care package costs £36.  If this is something you would like to support, please send any amount into Farnham Vineyard, with the reference, 'Turkey'.  Our bank details are: sort code 30-93-20.  Account no. 02204855


FoodbankWe currently have enough people to help distribute food parcels to those in need but are running short of supplies.  If you are able to donate any of the following and leave them in the storage box around the back of The Vineyard Centre, we would be really grateful...Tinned Potatoes, tinned tomatoes, tinned fruit, sponge puddings, rice puddings, long life milk, laundry detergent tablets and sun cream. Thanks so much,The Foodbank team [/av_textblock][/av_one_full]